Multipurpose space

Sohrlin Andalucía is a multipurpose space dedicated to training, creation and production, and to ensure that this is not just a catch phrase, we have the best facilities:

8,000 square meters

Sohrlin Andalucía occupies a space of 8,000 square meters that suits all the needs of creation and production.

Theater for more than 2,000 spectators

We have a theater that can accommodate more than 2,000 spectators, where we will host major premieres, both our own and those of others.

Large multipurpose multipurpose space

We also have a large multipurpose multipurpose space, two black boxes of 200 square meters each, a scenery and costume workshop, dressing rooms and training rooms. All equipped with the latest technology for the performing arts and entertainment.

But Sohrlin Andalucía is an integral center, and to facilitate the training and production work, it will also offer great amenities: we are also a residence and we have a food truck installed in our main entrance.